Diversity Atlas
Diversity tool
Diversity Atlas is a comprehensive tool promoting intercultural experience within your school community. Intercultural Understanding is a General Capability in the Australian Curriculum, but how many teachers are equipped to explore intercultural understanding in their own classrooms and make it a hands-on experience for their students?
Diversity Atlas provides an unparalleled base for conversations that begin with the students and the cultural gifts each bring to the class and the school community as a whole. Drawing from the three main pillars of cultural diversity: languages; religions/worldviews and country of birth (including ancestral countries of birth), this tool helps school minimize racism and bullying, encourages empathy with others who are different, and develops respect for cultural diversity and identity.
Note: Data can be entered anonymously and all data is de-identified

We believe the first step in facilitating positive change is getting to know one another and Diversity Atlas facilitates this in a fun and engaging way. Students identify their family histories, parents’ and grandparents’ countries of origin, learning more about themselves, personal histories, and that of their classmates. Comprehensive teacher resources in the form of links and Lesson Plans for Year Levels 1-10, make this a must-have tool in engaging students in the cultural diversity within their immediate school community, understanding humanity as a diverse whole, and understanding globalization as it impacts human populations. Because you have subscribed to the full Learning Lands package, the aspects of Sound Infusion, ICAP, and Joko’s World can be incorporated into multimedia intercultural projects for your students.
Learning areas:
Geography, History, and Humanities generally
Australian Curriculum:
Year level:
Year 1 to Year 12